The great Dolores Cannon began her research of sacred knowledge and reincarnation roughly 50 years ago. She created a safe and effective method that bypasses the noise of the conscious mind and focuses on obtaining unlimited information in the Somnambulistic state. The Somnambulistic state is ordinarily experienced two times a day: just before becoming awake and just before falling asleep. Many hypnotists don’t work in the Somnambulistic level, either because they don’t have the ability to access this level of trance, or they are wary of working in the most mysterious level of hypnosis, which can produce unexpected results, such as reliving a past life. This is where we want to work. It is at this level that we can access the most information to understand and heal what is happening in our lives and bodies.

Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique is an incredible process that helps access that all knowing part of ourselves that has been called The Higher Self, The Oversoul, even the Soul itself. When we incarnate on Earth we forget our previous lives and connection to our souls and The Source, God, The Creator, whatever you chose to say. Quantum Healing Hypnosis enables all people from any background, culture, religion or belief system to engage with what she called The Subconscious, since it resides beyond the conscious mind. Dolores’s term The Subconscious, which she later abbreviated to The SC, is that greater part of ourselves that is always connected to The Source, or God, and has unlimited knowledge and an unlimited ability to heal the physical body. Sometimes mental and physical ailments are rooted in trauma from past lives; sometimes they are connected to lessons being learned in a person’s present life. This process reveals the cause and The Subconscious will assist according to any soul’s particular lessons.

During our session, you can expect to be surrounded by loving and healing energy always. This will be a time to relax and know that you are safe. Sessions are always in person and will take approximately 4 hours, sometimes 5 if we get to talking a lot. The first half of the session is us getting to know one another. I need to know about your life, so that when we get into the regression part of the session, I can better navigate what things from the past may be related to the present, and I can ask your higher self better questions.

Before our session, I would like you to put together a list of questions you would like to ask the subconscious. The list should be divided into two sections. One will be for personal/life questions and the other will be health related questions.

The day of your session, you should try to avoid caffeine and any other stimulants. You should be calm and relaxed for the best results. Meditating is very much encouraged, as this helps with connecting to your higher self. Wear comfy clothes. You want to be cozy :). To learn more, you can visit:

https://www.qhhtofficial.com and https://www.dolorescannon.com/about-qhht/

Book an appointment.