Beyond Quantum Healing


“Beyond what exactly?"

Beyond everything, really.

Beyond traditional “past life regression”.

Beyond step-by-step hypnosis or formulaic procedures.

Beyond mechanics straight to the heart.

BQH is heart-based and focuses upon a creative, energetic approach to assist clients in self-healing.

Simply put, humans are different now than they were just a handful of years ago. Our bodies, our sense of time, our intuition, our energy and the very way we move through the world is completely different today than just it was even a few months ago!

BQH sessions are heart-based, open-minded and open-ended and above all, flexible.

Alchemical processes, energy alignments and intention decrees precede bringing the client into a relaxed state to explore consciousness. Any concern one might have can benefit from BQH, be it physical, emotional or spiritual.

Profound change is possible and the possibilities are limitless.” - Candace Craw-Goldman-Founder

Candace, the founder of BQH, trained under the wonderful Dolores Cannon, that brought us QHHT, and taught along side her for many years.

BQH gives more flexibility, with the ability to reach anyone in the world through a distance session done online. You will receive healing and alignments through communication with your highest consciousness and connection with past lives, parallel lives or a combination sometimes.

Beyond Quantum Healing is a modality that allows maximum flexibility. I can incorporate different energy practices in to the regression and the induction is tailored to your needs. Safety and comfort for you are my highest priorities.

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